Leverage, Pivot and Circle Back: Trading Jargon for Meaningful Content

July 14, 2015

by Virtucom Group Team

It's time to deal with a serious pain point. We need to ideate robust, dynamic solutions that bring us into alignment to develop best-of-breed practices for organic content.

That's a mouthful, right? Especially when all I really want to say is that we need to solve a problem and devise great ways to create content that feels natural.  Every industry has its jargon, so much so that each year Forbes creates an NCAA-style Jargon Madness bracket to determine the worst of the worst. Still, there are a lot of reasons why these terms and phrases are so tempting. Jargon signals insider status and sounds smart and current. It can create the illusion that a mundane topic is exciting. Unfortunately, jargon does more to obscure information than enhance it. Everyone wants to add spice to their content, and just like purple prose and fifty-cent words, jargon can feel like an easy option. Yet the truth remains that jargon can create negative optics that disrupt deliverables.

I'm sorry, what I meant to say is too much reliance on meaningless terms is a bad look for content and may leave your clients hungry for something more genuine.

Consider it this way: your content is the public face of your brand. It should make a clear statement of who you are and the value you're offering customers. It must explain why they should build a relationship with you. Think about the people that you personally desire a relationship with. Odds are traits like straightforward and honest come to mind almost immediately. Business relationships are no different. Just as we're often put off by people who speak entirely in buzzwords and catch phrases, consumers are more likely to be drawn to content that provides easy-to-understand information and speaks in a simple, clear voice. Content that demonstrates you say what you mean and mean what you say shows respect for your customers, a desire to serve their needs and, perhaps best of all, that you want impress them with your services and products rather than dazzle them with empty words.

There's a great deal of content out there, and all of it is vying for your customers' attention. When you eliminate jargon and keep the focus on simple, engaging language, you create a clear voice that rises above the noise and announces your brand's message loud and clear.

Every industry has its jargon -- what words and phrases would you like to see eliminated? Leave us a comment and let us know! Stay connected with Virtucom Group via e-mail notifications, and check out our LinkedIn profile.

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Consistent business blogging yields results – more clicks, more subscribers and – ultimately – more conversions. Whether you’re writing an automotive blog, an accounting blog, a healthcare blog or a home renovation blog, blogging for business and content development are useful for any industry. Follow the content writers at the Virtucom Group blog as they share digital marketing tips and discuss website content writing services that can optimize your business blog.

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