Your Customers' Purchase Path: Social Media And The Buyer’s Journey

November 17, 2017

by Virtucom Group Team

Most companies realize very early on that no one buys products simply because they exist. To the contrary, people almost invariably make purchases to solve a particular problem or address a specific need. When making purchases, consumers move along a three-stage purchase path, known as the buyer’s journey, before making a final decision. And in order to successfully convert promising prospects to loyal customers, companies must address each stage of this journey with their social media content. Unsure how to tailor your social media posts to speak to each stage of the buyer’s journey? Keep reading, and we’ll tell you.

The First Stage: Awareness

As we covered in our previous blog post, the first stage of the buyer’s journey is the awareness stage, during which the consumer acknowledges that they have a problem and attempts to paint a picture of that problem. This is perhaps the most important stage to create quality social media content for, because it’s your opportunity to make a good first impression and insert the name of your brand into the minds of consumers. The awareness stage is also where consumers begin to trust you, and an authoritative, yet personable, social media presence is the perfect way to prove that you’re worth buyers’ time.

Here’s the tough part: your awareness-stage social media posts shouldn’t contain blatantly promotional content. That’s reserved for the later parts of the buyer’s journey. Instead of pushing your latest product, awareness-stage content should be carefully crafted to tell consumers you exist. Content that serves this purpose might include:

  • Promotional trades with micro-influencers, who will introduce their followers to your brand in return for your brand referencing their content
  • Podcasts, videos and similar resources that will let the world know that your brand is an expert in a certain area

After deciding which content you’ll be posting to social media, you’ll have to make the posts themselves. During each stage of the buyer’s journey, it’s crucial to pay attention to the words you use on social media, as certain terms will attract certain types of customers. Consider using words like “prevent” and “issue” in your posts for the awareness stage, because these types of words will speak most directly to followers who have run into a problem. They’ll also imply that your brand can provide a solution.

The Second Stage: Consideration

Once a consumer has defined their problem, the next logical step is to look for a solution, which brings us to the next stage of the buyer’s journey: consideration. Unless your brand provides an especially niche product, there’s a good chance that the buyer has several options to peruse during the consideration stage. This means your company has to put in a little extra effort to stand out. Social media is an excellent place to do so, because studies show that 74% of consumers let social media guide their buying choices. Some buyers even use social media to communicate directly with the brands they’re interested in.

The consideration stage is the perfect time to get excited about your own products, because consideration-stage social media content can mention them – to some extent. But don’t overdo it, or you’ll repel prospective consumers. Solid social content for use during the consideration stage includes links to the following:

  • Product comparisons that demonstrate how your brand stands out
  • How-to videos that explore ways to tackle a common problem your target audience is experiencing, including by using your own product

Remember that while this content can be promotional, its first concern should be to educate buyers on how their problem can best be solved. As for the social post itself, choose words like “useful” or “solution.” This language, like the terminology mentioned during the awareness stage, lets customers know that your product can render their issue null and void.

The Third Stage: Decision

Content made for the decision stage caters to someone who has not only clearly articulated a problem they’re facing, but has also examined the ways to remedy the issue. These consumers are ready to make the decision – they just need the right reason to choose your product.

Because it’s so deeply woven into everyday life, social media is a highly favorable avenue for decision-stage tactics. Here are just a few suggestions for social media content that can help buyers opt for your product once and for all:

  • Hold giveaways where anyone who purchases a product from your brand is entered, and routinely promote it on social media platforms
  • Offer social media-specific promotions, such as a certain percent off your product’s base price by using a promo code – “BusinessNameTwitterPromo,” for example
  • Link to thorough case studies that present your product as an effective solution

Language-wise, you’ll want to use words like “compare,” which imply that the linked content will prove that your brand outperforms the competition.

Create The Right Content For Every Stage Of The Journey

Consistent, strategic social media activity is essential when guiding buyers through their journey, but it’s only one step of the process – you first need great content to post about. Not sure if you have the time or human resources to dedicate to the task? Consider Virtucom Group’s content writing services. You tell us what you need, and we’ll deliver high-quality results in a timely manner.

Has social media helped you sway buyers in your brand’s favor? Let us know how in the comments. Plus, don’t forget to connect with Virtucom Group on all major social media platforms.

Is Your Content Falling Behind?

About Virtucom Group

Consistent business blogging yields results – more clicks, more subscribers and – ultimately – more conversions. Whether you’re writing an automotive blog, an accounting blog, a healthcare blog or a home renovation blogblogging for business and content development are useful for any industry. Follow the content writers at the Virtucom Group blog as they share digital marketing tips and discuss website content writing services that can optimize your business blog.


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