Only Sign A Contract If A Copywriting Agency Asks These 5 Questions

December 20, 2017

by Virtucom Group Team

Outsourcing content is a common occurrence in the world of business, with most business blogs outsourcing 14% of their blog posts, and business blogs that follow best practices outsourcing 24% of their blog posts (Curata).

There are many different routes that lead to the same destination: content outsourcing. Whether you’ve decided to outsource content creation due to time, talent or team limitations, the next step is partnering with a copywriting agency. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential agencies to several promising prospects, you need to prepare for the initial interview. You probably know what questions you want to ask them, but are you prepared for the questions they may ask you?

Here are 5 questions a copywriting agency may – and should – ask you before you sign a contract: 

  1. Is your company B2B (Business-to-Business) or B2C (Business-to-Consumer)?

A copywriting company needs to identify whether your business is B2B or B2C before they delve into any other questions. Your business type affects every aspect of your content, from the actual marketing messaging to the way that message is distributed.

The B2B customer’s purchase path differs significantly from the B2C customer’s purchase path, and it’s important that the content agency you choose to work with understands this.

A B2B customer often has a buyer’s journey that’s much longer and more complex than a B2C customer’s journey. Companies need to nurture relationships with potential B2B clients, since there’s simply more at stake – much higher costs and decisions that affect the entire corporation. Because of this longer, higher-risk path to purchase, a B2B client would require more educational, awareness-stage content.

Infographic highlighting differences between B2B and B2C needs.

  1. Who are your target consumers?

This question is similar to the first question, in that the answer determines your entire digital marketing campaign, from your blog content and social media posts to your sales pitch and branding materials. Once your copywriting agency knows your target buyer personas, then, all of the content they create for you should be optimized for those personas.

If you buy articles or blog content from a creative firm, you should be confident that the content you receive will resonate with prospective buyers, helping to move them further along the purchase path.

For more information regarding what buyer personas are and why they’re necessary, read our blog post: Content Writers' Complete 2018 Guide To Buyer Personas.

  1. What areas do you want to own or be seen as an expert in?

While it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact number, the latest estimates show that there are more than 440 million blogs. With such an abundance of content available to everyone on the Internet, it’s not easy to make your own blog stand out.

That’s why it’s so important to pinpoint the area or areas that you’re an expert in. Once your copywriting company has identified your areas of expertise, they can begin writing content that presents you as a thought leader on a specific topic.

For example, if you’re starting a home renovation blog and your company specifically does exterior home renovations, consider focusing your blog content around exterior additions, like porches, patios and sunrooms.

  1. Who are your key competitors? Why do customers choose you versus the competition?

Maybe you’ve stumbled upon this Anonymous quote before: The weakness of an enemy forms part of your own strength.” In business, if you’re not aware of who your competitors are, you’re already two steps behind. When you know who your competitors are and what their weaknesses are, you can adjust your own messaging to exploit your competition’s weaknesses as your strengths.

For instance, let’s say the company that specializes in exterior home renovations from the previous question is looking at its direct competitor: ABC Exterior Home Remodeling. ABC’s remodels are often just as beautiful and skillfully done as this company’s, but, their costs are higher and they’re a large organization that employs dozens of different craftsmen. In order to differentiate themselves from ABC, this company can highlight the fact that they provide high-end curb appeal at a low cost. They can also emphasize the fact that they’re a family-owned and -operated business with a high standard for customer service.

  1. What do you want the reader to come away with after reading your content?

A reader subscribes to your business blog and reads through the last few weeks' posts. How do you want that reader to think or feel after consuming some of your content? Of course, eventually, you’re going to want to convert that reader into a customer, but it’s important to pinpoint what thought or feeling will lead them to a successful conversion.

Continuing the example of the home renovation company, they may answer the question like this:

  • They’ll feel inspired to upgrade their own home’s curb appeal after looking at impressive before-and-after photos.
  • They’ll understand the step-by-step process of consulting with a general contractor for the first time about exterior home remodeling.
  • They’ll be educated about different exterior home addition options, including patios, porches and sunrooms.

 If a copywriting agency doesn’t ask all of these 5 questions in the preliminary interview, you should consider that a serious red flag. Before you outsource content creation, make sure the copywriting company you’re considering is asking you just as many questions as you’re asking them. After all, to create great content, a content writing firm needs to know as much as possible about the business they’re writing for.

Now that you know what questions you should be asked in the initial content outsourcing interview, prepare your own set of questions by checking out our free ebook: Outsourcing Content Creation: 6 Essential Questions for Choosing the Right Partner.

Outsourcing Content Creation

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