Avatars and Buyer Personas: Unlocking the Power of the Product Description

March 16, 2016

by Virtucom Group Team

A few months ago, I wrote about creating product descriptions that connect with buyers on an emotional level. In Winning Hearts, Minds and Sales: Product Pages That Boost Conversion Rates, I talked about product pages that sell because they paint the customer into the picture with descriptive language. Accomplishing this, though, is sometimes easier said than done, especially when the information you have to work with is a laundry list of a product’s technical features. So then, you ask, where do I start, if not with the product’s specifications?

Get to know the buyer persona

The only way to connect with your buyers on an emotional level is to get to know them. Who are they? What do they care about? What problems can your product fix for them? Not knowing who your audience is, or worse, trying to write to capture the attention of every man, woman and child, will leave your description either bland and boring or scattered and incoherent.

It’s true that you must know a product’s purpose and what it does before beginning to describe it. But, to write a compelling product description, it’s helpful to create a mental picture of who you are trying to sell the product to.

Shift the focus back to the buyer

When put to paper, the mental picture you create of a typical buyer can be used as a powerful tool to keep your own writing or the writing of an entire team focused on the audience. Some call this a persona and some call it an avatar. Whatever you call it, the purpose of this buyer sketch is to help you focus on the potential customer, so you can be sure you’re writing a description that will move them to buy your product or service.

For an in-depth look at creating personas, I suggest reading How to Create Easy, Yet Actionable, Content Marketing Personas by Jodi Harris. In this post for Content Marketing Institute, she discusses how to go about creating a persona, as well as ways to gather accurate data regarding your customer’s motivations and buying habits.

Does your marketing team actively use avatars or personas? Are you considering whether it’s worth the time and effort? Let us know in the comments section.

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