The 70/20/10 Rule of Content Marketing

March 31, 2022

by Hannah Hall

Standards for content marketing are consistently changing, especially when considering outlets like social media. To keep up with competitors and set yourself apart as a retailer, you must stay updated on the latest online business practices. The 70/20/10 rule is a content marketing strategy that allows retailers to allocate where they should spend their time concerning digital marketing content. This content marketing method can ensure your content is unique, allowing you to remain a top retailer through consistency and reliability. Here, Virtucom Group explains the 70/20/10 rule of content marketing and how you can apply it to your ecommerce strategy.

70%: Familiar Content

The first step in the 70/20/10 rule is ensuring that 70% of your content is familiar and recognizable to your brand. In other words, what’s already working in your content marketing strategy? This also includes content that caters to your broader audience. Whether it’s a product, service, or awareness, this is the bread-and-butter to your content marketing strategy.

If you already have an online presence, you probably also know what kind of content your audience expects from you. But if you’re just starting, evaluating your customer base and determining ways to cater to them can be a good place to begin. Once you decide on a content marketing strategy, it’s important to remain consistent and reliable. This plays a role in building the trust of your customers.

20%: Additional Marketing Content

Next, 20% of your content should focus on other marketing initiatives, like social media, blog posts, or videos. This is because having additional marketing tools in your content strategy can enhance your online presence. For example, many retailers hint towards popular culture to bring attention to their brand and attract new customers.

In addition, some companies may choose to share their content through eBooks and webinars. This makes your brand and insight more accessible to your wider audience, giving them more ways to connect with your company.

However, while these tactics can be effective, they should only make up a small amount of the content you produce. Focusing on your familiar content, in addition to other content marketing strategies, can simultaneously build your brand while remaining consistent and engaging.

10%: Unique, Experimental Content

The last aspect of the 70/20/10 rule involves implementing unique and creative ideas into 10% of your content. Here, you have a little more freedom when it comes to experimenting with new and innovative content strategies. This may include catering to certain media trends or starting your own. Although these trends typically die out quickly, they can strike a lot of media attention and open up your customer base. By engaging in this portion of the 70/20/10 rule, you can have the chance to showcase who your company is aside from being a brand. It can also help customers relate to retailers in a more personal way.

Develop Your Content Marketing Strategy at Virtucom Group

Working with retailers for over 15 years, Virtucom Group can assist you with your content marketing strategy. Our versatile team of writers and editors is here to create engaging, unique content that sets you apart from other retailers. To learn more about how you can implement the 70/20/10 rule of content marketing, contact us today.

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