We get it – not every company has the resources to create in-house digital content. But in order to succeed in this day and age, when consumers so heavily rely on the Internet to make purchases, a blog is an essential part of any business strategy. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get your hands on high-quality outsourced content.
On the not-so-bright side, however, this means that there is an assortment of things that could go wrong if you buy subpar articles. Below, we’ll discuss four disasters lying in wait for businesses in the market for digital content.
1. You buy articles that aren’t optimized for Google.
As we’ve mentioned, many modern customers depend on the Internet for their pre-purchase research, which often means navigating to Google and conducting a search for information on a particular type of product. In fact, data gathered by MineWhat in 2014 suggested that 81% of consumers performed online research prior to making a purchase.

And since the number of web users has increased by some 700 million since then, according to Statista, it’s not unreasonable to expect even more users to resort to the Internet before making a purchase. So if you end up with content that’s not crafted to cater to Google, you could be missing out on a great deal of traffic.
Content that doesn’t follow up-to-date search engine optimization (SEO) practices will simply be buried by hundreds of pages of content that does. Be sure to thoroughly vet your content development services to ensure they’re savvy when it comes to SEO.
2. You buy articles that look like they were optimized for Google but…aren’t.
For a time, many web users believed that your content’s ranking on the search engine results page (SERP) was almost entirely based on keywords. Following that idea, some of these users would create massive, unintelligible blocks of text stringing together keywords that were relevant to the website’s topic in hopes that it would boost their SERP standing. Slightly more clever users would write seemingly legitimate articles, albeit with keywords awkwardly jammed into unsightly places – a practice known as keyword stuffing.
If you don’t do your research, your company may buy an article that fell victim to these faulty behaviors, which would essentially amount to money spent on nothing. But if you instead seek professional copywriting services, you’ll typically end up with a more well-rounded piece of content with keywords and other modern SEO practices incorporated in a natural, unobtrusive manner.
3. You buy an article that’s aimed at the wrong audience.
By now, most content creators are well aware that the most successful content is often the most personalized content. If, for example, your target audience is adults in their 30s with a salary above $100,000, you’ll likely want content featuring professional language with a modern touch. Content with casual language, such as slang, on the other hand, could deter your primary audience, causing them to write off your company in a jiffy.
Impulsively buying articles could lead to content that simply doesn’t speak to your target audience, preventing your blog from actually serving its ultimate purpose of bolstering sales. Instead, opt for expert writers, as they’re typically prepared to incorporate your precise business goals and target audience into their work.
4. You buy articles that are poorly written.
If your company’s marketing budget isn’t exactly flourishing, you might consider yourself a digital content bargain shopper. Unfortunately, expecting high-quality work for a low-quality price is a disaster waiting to happen.
Many sources let you buy SEO articles on demand for rock-bottom prices, but such costs are often a reflection of quality. Consider avoiding this method of content outsourcing, and instead look for content development services that have a track record of expertise.
Avoid Disaster with Expert Writers
All in all, while there are plenty of opportunities to purchase less-than-adequate content on the web, there are also reliable content development services that can provide the expert-level content your business needs for blogging success. Just do your business a favor and don’t buy articles without vetting your writers through and through.
If you’re in the market for high-quality, SEO-optimized articles developed by expert writers with your brand in mind, consider Virtucom Group’s blog subscription packages. You’ll receive the content you need when you need it most.