3 Tips For Making A Statement With Your Retail Listings

May 17, 2022

by Hannah Hall

Virtual shoppers are always looking for the most convenient information in one sitting. Product names and images are aspects of an ecommerce strategy that retailers can use to give customers a detailed impression of their products right at first glance. Because online shoppers have many options to choose from when it comes to the online marketplace, it’s important that retailers ensure their product names, images, and content stand out above the rest. This is because many online retailers have the same products, making competition fierce.

By implementing a new standard for your product names and images, you can give customers the information needed to draw them in and make them stay. Virtucom Group, a provider of trusted ecommerce solutions, explains how with these three vital tips.

1. Make Product Names Consistent

Product names are the first impression a customer gets when they view a product, so ensure yours are consistent, clear, and organized. Product names are also a great way to grab a reader’s attention. When product names are vague and unclear, this can cause your content to become disorganized, contributing to consumer confusion and deterring online shoppers from making a purchase. With consistent product names, you can create standards to make your content uniform and concise, giving shoppers a user-friendly navigation design.

When crafting your business’s product naming formula, Virtucom Group considers the most important aspects of each of your products. This can include features like size, color, brand, and other information. By doing this, we help to make your website easier to navigate, which improves the customer experience. In addition, our ecommerce solutions assist in making your content more consistent, which is key for online businesses. Consistency allows customers to see you as a trusted resource, as well as maintains the site’s organization and provides consumers with easy navigation.

2. Choose Clear Images (and Cater Them to Customers)

Customers are typically drawn to websites that help them make the most informed purchasing decision. One way to do that is by choosing high-quality images to reflect your product and brand. Finding images of higher quality not only gives people an idea of what the product looks like, but also makes your website a trusted source amongst consumers.

Poor-quality images can potentially deter customers, forcing them to look elsewhere for the product they’re searching for. In addition, poor-quality images may not convince customers that the product can benefit them. The images you choose can also say a lot about your company as a whole. Selecting bad images might lead customers to believe that you’re not a trustworthy source.

When choosing images for your products and website, be mindful of how the product improves the consumer’s life. One great way to do that is by finding pictures that can show the size of the product and how it works. For example, maybe you’ll choose an image that portrays the product being used uniquely and differently. In addition, you may choose photos where the product sits alongside other common household items. Not only can this work to show customers how the product can fit into their own lives, but it also allows them to visualize its size.

3. Keep Titles Concise and Short

We’ve all seen product names on certain online retailers that appear to be wordy, lengthy, and unclear. While it can be beneficial to include as much information as possible to allow customers to make decisions at-a-glance, you don’t want product titles to be overwhelmingly long. This is because customers may not spend the time to read or browse if it’s too lengthy or complex. Instead, they may simply skim over it and find other online resources. That’s why businesses should be mindful about keeping product names short and to the point.

When crafting your product names, you only want to include the most important information about each product. To help retailers determine this, the team at Virtucom Group analyzes the kind of information consumers are after. We then help businesses create a product name formula that caters to their wider audience.

Find Ecommerce Solutions at Virtucom Group

If you’re a retailer with limited internal resources, the tips on this list might be out of your reach. But don’t worry – that’s where we come in. With a dedication to assisting Fortune 500 retailers find their voice in the online world, Virtucom Group can help improve your business’ ecommerce strategy. Our team of writers and editors has extensive knowledge of the latest content strategies to enhance online presence and increase website traffic. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today or reach out through LinkedIn.

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